7 Questions With Jay Jaye

Jay Jaye, co-founder of PR and media tech company Whitefriar, brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to the industry. Let’s dive into his background, motivations, and future plans.

1. Why did you get into this space?

At first, Jay faced the challenges of making the business scalable while being intricately tied to his own personality. Recognizing the limitations this imposed on growth, he sought to create a model where the company could flourish independently. Whitefriar, under Jay’s leadership, scaled to an impressive 80-100 calls a week and now boasts a client base of 500.

2. What keeps you motivated?

Jay draws motivation from envisioning the end goal. Guided by gut instinct, vision, and an indefatigable work ethic, he navigates the challenges of the industry with a clear focus on success. The ability to see the bigger picture keeps Jay driven and determined.

3. What is your best deal you have had?

Sometimes success comes in unexpected packages. For Jay, the best deals have materialized with astonishing simplicity. A single email, strategically sent, has resulted in five-figure deals, showcasing the power of strategic thinking and effective communication in the PR realm.

4. What advice would you give to yourself if you had to start again?

Jay emphasizes the importance of having the right partner. Beyond shared vision and drive, he stresses the need for complementary skills. Passion, energy, and hunger are non-negotiable qualities in a business partner, ensuring a shared pace and a resilient entrepreneurial journey.

5. Do you have any rituals or special things you do?

While Jay doesn’t adhere to specific rituals, he places a strong emphasis on energy. Recognizing the highs and lows inherent in the tech industry, he maintains his body and mind at peak performance levels. Jay acknowledges the demanding nature of the field and believes that maintaining personal well-being is paramount to navigating its challenges successfully.

6. What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?

Jay spent over 15 years in show business, mostly as a magician. This background equips him with a unique set of skills, allowing him to connect with people and build trust — a valuable asset in the world of PR.

7. How do you define wealth?

For Jay, wealth is synonymous with freedom of choice. The satisfaction of not worrying about financial constraints and the ability to make choices unencumbered defines true wealth.

Looking Ahead

Jay envisions global expansion for Whitefriar in the future. His plan involves establishing a presence in multiple countries and cities, forging partnerships on an international level. This strategic move aligns with the company’s commitment to reaching new heights and connecting with diverse audiences worldwide.

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