Take Note: Evernote Is Changing Their Free User Plan

Free users of Evernote, the popular note-taking application, may be facing a shift in their free user plan. A recent pop-up message to users has hinted that there may be changes to the user plan, including limitations on the number of free notes a user can create. Although still in the testing phase, this change has prompted discussions about the potential implications for Evernote’s free user base.

Unveiling the Test

Evernote users recently encountered a pop-up message upon logging in, revealing a potential adjustment to free plans. The message indicated that free users might soon be restricted to just one notebook and 50 notes. This proposed change, though not finalized, has raised concerns among long-time Evernote users who have accumulated a substantial number of notes over the years.

Hidden Fee or Strategic Evolution?

The message’s sudden appearance left users perplexed, as Evernote’s pricing plans page on its website did not reflect any such limitations for free plans. The lack of clarity fueled speculation about a potential hidden fee change, causing Evernote to clarify that the website had not been updated because the change is still under consideration. The company confirmed that less than 1% of its free users are currently part of the testing phase to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed limitations.

Implications for Users

If implemented, this shift would mean a significant transformation for many Evernote users, especially those who rely on the app for lightweight notetaking on a single device. While existing notes could still be managed, edited, viewed, exported, or deleted, the ability to create new notes would be reserved for paying customers. This potential shift is a clear indication of Evernote’s strategy to encourage more users to upgrade to its paid plans.

As Evernote continues to explore changes to its free plans, users await clarification on the final decision. The company’s commitment to effective communication with its user base, as mentioned by a representative, is crucial in ensuring transparency and user trust. Whether this potential shift will be well-received or met with resistance remains to be seen, but it underscores the evolving nature of Evernote’s strategy under new ownership and its efforts to find a sustainable path forward.

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